Where to See Available Credits
Whether you use the free service or a paid plan, it's easy to track how many credits are available for lookups and exports!
View Credit Balance and Usage Details:
1. In the top right corner, click the circle icon with your initials and select 'Account Settings' in the menu. It will automatically open on the "Usage & Billing" section of the Account Settings.
2. Your available credits are listed on the Usage & Billing page, in the 'Usage' section at the very top. You can also see the scheduled date for when you will receive more credits.
3. Some users may have both Standard Lookup credits (only email) and Premium Lookup credits (email and phone). In this case, please go to 'Other Settings' and check the Lookup Type selection under the "Contact Preferences" section.
4. To review the number of credits you receive per billing cycle, from the Usage & Billing page, look for the 'Subscription' section and click the active plan to expand its details.
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