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What are RocketReach Credits?

Everything to Know about Credits

Every RocketReach service plan includes at least one type of credits. The plan you purchase determines the number of included credits, what the credits unlock, and which activities consume credits.

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How to find what is included in your service

To provide customers with a range of prices, RocketReach services are offered in tiered plans based on usage. Every plan is based on and limits either Lookup usage (with Lookup Credits) or Export usage (with Export Credits).


For the best information, please login to the correct RocketReach account and refer to your Account Settings page. In general:

  • Free plans all use Lookup Credits, which are reissued every 30 days.
  • Monthly plans purchased on the website all use Lookup Credits at this time.
  • Annual plans with "Unlimited Lookups" will include a set number of Export Credits.
  • Enterprise plans typically include a specific amount of Export Credits for the duration of the contract. You may optionally purchase Company Export Credits as well. Please refer to your contract for details, or contact your Account Manager with any questions.
  • API-only plans typically include a specific amount of Lookup Credits and Export Credits, and sometimes Company Export Credits. Please refer to your contract for details, or contact your Account Manager with any questions.
  • Legacy plans include any plan that is currently not offered for new purchase. Please refer to your Account Settings page or contact us:


What are "Lookups"

A "lookup" is any action that indicates you want to see the contact information. It's called a "lookup" because RocketReach will look for updates and verify contact information in real time. Lookup actions include:

  • From the website People Search, selecting the button "Get Contact Info" next to a profile
  • From the website People Search, selecting multiple profiles with the checkbox and using the "Get Contacts" button at the top
  • From the Browser Extension, selecting the button "Add" under a profile
  • From the Browser Extension, selecting the button "Add All Contacts" when viewing multiple profiles
  • Using Autopilot and proceeding to "Create Autopilot"
  • Using Upload List and proceeding with the "Next" button
  • Using the API with a lookup call
  • Any similar interaction that results in contact information to be revealed for a new contact


Lookup Credits

Data Type:  Email Only
Possible Plans:  Free, Essentials, Pro, Ultimate, API
Billing Options:  Monthly, Annual

Standard Lookup Credits will unlock email addresses only. (For access to phone numbers, please purchase a +Phone plan.) When you perform a lookup, 1 Lookup Credit will be used for every person profile that returns at least one verified email address.

👉 See also:

I Only Want Professional Emails

I Only Want Personal Emails


Premium Lookup Credits

Data Type:  Email + Phone
Possible Plans:  Essentials, Pro, Ultimate, Enterprise, API
Billing Options:  Monthly, Annual

Premium Lookup Credits will unlock any available contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers. When you perform a lookup, 1 Lookup Credit will be used for every person profile that returns at least one verified email address or phone number. Please note it is not guaranteed that you will receive both an email address and a phone number for every contact.

👉 Important Note:  At this time, the credit meter will display only the available Lookup Credits for your current plan type (i.e. if you're currently on a Pro Email + Phone plan, then the meter will show available Premium Lookup Credits). Please refer to the Account Settings page to see all available credit details if you have mixed credit types.


What are "Exports"

"Export" activities result in contact information being taken outside of RocketReach, hence the name. Export actions include:

  • From My Lists, downloading to CSV spreadsheet using the button "Download List"
  • Using any Integration and selecting the button "Export to" after looking up a contact
  • Using any Integration and enabling automatic export of contacts
  • Using Autopilot and proceeding to "Create Autopilot"
  • Using Upload List and proceeding with the "Next" button

👉 Important Note:  Export Credits apply only to customers with Unlimited Lookups. If your plan includes a specific amount of Lookup Credits, then Export Credits do not apply to your use of RocketReach.


People Export Credits

Data Type:  People (Email Only or Email + Phone, depending on Lookup type)
Possible Plans:  Essentials, Pro, Ultimate, Enterprise, API
Billing Options:  Annual

If your plan includes Unlimited Lookups, then it will also include a specific number of People Export Credits. These credits enable you to take data out of RocketReach. When you do an export activity, 1 Export Credit will be used for every contact with verified contact information that you export.

If your user account has People Export Credits available to use, they will be displayed in a credit meter on the Account Settings page.


Company Export Credits

Data Type:  Company
Possible Plans:  Enterprise, API
Billing Options:  Annual

Company Export Credits are required to directly export Company data without associated Contacts, including download to CSV spreadsheet or API Company Exports. (Learn More)

If your user account has Company Export Credits available to use, they will be displayed in the credit meter (bottom left corner) as well as on the Account Settings page.

Company Export Credits are offered as an add-on purchase exclusively for current users with Enterprise plans or API-only service. For details and pricing, existing customers please contact your Account Manager. All others please contact sales here.


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