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Technologies | Company Search Filters

How to Search Companies with the "Technologies" Filter

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This Filter:  Technologies

Also Known As:  Technographic Data, Technology Stack, Installed Software

What it Does:  Applying the Technologies filter will show only those companies that are using the selected software. This is a great way to identify companies that may be interested in companion services or alternative tools.

How to Use It:  

Select the Technologies filter to activate it; a blank text field will expand out.

In the field, start typing the name of the technology tool or software you're interested in (such as JIRA, Intercom, or Cloudflare). As you type, the system will being to suggest popular options that are available in our data; click one to select it and add it to the filter. If at first you don't see the particular one you want, continue typing out the name (or check the spelling) and other options should appear.

Some technology tools may offer different variations, such as SalesforceIQ CRM and Salesforce App Cloud. You can select one specific version that best matches your target, or select multiple.

If desired or relevant to your needs, continue selecting technology tools as needed.

The Technologies filter also allows multi-select with "OR" logic. For example, if you select both Slack and Skype in the filter options, the search results will reflect companies that are using either Slack or Skype (or both, possibly).

Where to Find It:

FAQ & Troubleshooting Tips

"It's showing a red X"

What to do:  When using the Technologies field, you MUST use the provided options. The red x error happens because the term you have entered is not one of the provided options.

If necessary, delete a few letters or the entire text until you see a suggested list of possible technology tools. Click and select one or more option from the suggested list, or change the typed text to see other suggestions.

"There's no option to exclude"

What to do:  Correct, for the Technologies filter we do not offer an option to "exclude" the selected technology from search results. That is because of the unique way this data is sourced and what it indicates; sometimes we are able to say positively that "Acme Inc." is using "Y-Tech" but we are not able to definitively confirm that "Acme Inc." is NOT using "Z-Tech". Due to this special case, the "exclude" from results tool is omitted to ensure you are using the best possible data.

Guidance from Mission Control

  • Use the Technologies filter with the Revenue filter to identify companies that could have both interest & budget for your solution.
  • Use the Technologies filter with the Location filter to find companies in your area that may need your tech support services.
  • Use the Technologies filter with the Industry filter to create a segment that you can pitch based on their current tech stack and use case.

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