Upload List: Company CSV Bulk Lookup
Need to find email addresses for specific roles/job titles at specific companies? This article will guide you step by step on using the Upload List tool to turn a CSV list of companies into a list of people in 10 minutes or less.
☝️ Important Note: Free users are limited to uploading 5 rows. To utilize the bulk functionality outlined in this tutorial, please purchase a paid plan from the Pricing Page.
🎥 Generate a Contact List from an Uploaded Company List
Step 1: Prepare a CSV file
A spreadsheet can be created in Google Sheets, in Excel, or in Numbers. Please be sure to "Save As" and select the file type as CSV; if available, choose the option for UTF-8 encoding for best results.
The CSV file for your Company List must have a column header row including one or more of the following data sets:
- Company LinkedIn URL
- Company domain -OR- company email domain
💡 TIP: If all you have is a list of company names, try feeding the list to an AI tool and ask it to update the list with the appropriate company's website domain.
Don't have the required data to perform a bulk lookup? No problem, generate a list from scratch using our Company List Generation Tool. Learn More
Step 2: Go to the Upload List tool
When logged into your account, select the 'Upload List' option in the left-hand navigation:
Step 3: Select the type of data to upload: 'Companies'
To Upload a Company list, select 'Companies' under the type of data you want to Upload. Then click 'Begin Uploading':
Step 4: Select the format and upload
Option A - Upload CSV
If you have prepared a CSV file, select the first option on left, 'I have a CSV to upload':
Then select and upload the prepared CSV File from your device:
Option B - Paste List
If you have prepared a list of LinkedIn URLs, select the second option on right, 'I'd like to paste a list of LinkedIn URLs':
Then click into the empty field and past your list of URLs. Verify that you have pasted one (1) URL per line:
Step 5: Map the data
When uploading a CSV file, you will be asked to Map Your Fields before processing the list.
For each data set column, select the corresponding 'Data Type' from the drop-down list to help the system parse the data. In most cases, the system will auto-populate the type if your first row contains a header. Make sure you are reviewing the type selected before clicking 'Next.'
Step 6: Process and receive results
Once you have verified the data in the uploaded CSV file, the system will process your Company List.
Processing typically takes only a few moments; however, large files (10k+ companies) may take up to an hour.
Once complete, the confirmation screen will show you the number of companies processed from your list and the number of companies found based on the information provided.
Step 7: Use List in People Search
Once the company list is processed, you can immediately apply it a People Search by choosing the option 'Use this List as a Search Filter' on the left:
Clicking on 'Use this List as a Search Filter' will take you to a Person Search page with your newly made Company List set as a filter to show only people who are current employees of the companies in the list.
You can use or change this setting in the filter 'Company Lists' at the bottom of the Employer section:
Step 8: Define Person Search Criteria and Lookup Contacts
In addition to the Company List filter, you can now set other person criteria to find relevant contacts, such as Location, Job Title, and Contact Method. Learn More
Once your person criteria is set and you're satisfied with the search results, you can lookup the desired contacts individually, with the checkbox, or using Autopilot. Learn More